About this blog...

The path I took to Children’s Ministry was a crazy one. The path I took to parenthood was a crazy one. As a matter of fact, it seems
as though my entire life has had a “life of its own,” and I arrive most places out of complete coincidence and random happenstance.
But my big secret is that I love it. I find it fascinating to look back and see how God has worked to make me, well, a better me! So,
it turns out my life is not so bonkers, in fact its better than I could have ever imagined, and these are the stories, tips, advice, and
lessons (most of which are from my 8 year old daughter, Lucy) that have helped me along the way. Hope they help you, or at least
make you laugh!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here we go!

Most days I find myself sharing stories on Facebook or with co-workers (um, yes, they are probably tired of it, but they’re a good crew, they indulge me!) about something my daughter Lucy has done or said that just really struck me. Sometimes she’s funny, sometimes very profound. I’ve been thinking about her a lot lately, and realized what an ENORMOUS impact she has had on my life, and the lives of many others. Yes, I know all children do that, but this is different. Lucy is like some kind of angel on Earth. She is so tuned in to people’s needs and emotions that it’s actually kind of scary sometimes. She teaches me so much about life, I can’t imagine the person I would be without her. So, I decided to blog about it. Those who know me are probably laid out in the floor laughing right about now because I can barely check my email, but this is important. I needed to do this. So without further ado, here we go – Lessons from Lucy – a place to read about things that I think are relevant to being a Children’s Minister, and a single parent of a preschooler and special needs child. Oh, plus I used to be a restauranteur, so there will be food talk as well! I’ll post stories of inspirations and challenges, ideas to deal with said issues, and the outcome of it all. Please read along, steal ideas, add some of your own, and learn and laugh with me on this crazy journey called life. Cheers!


  1. Looking forward to following your story as I too raise a special needs child and soon to have a infant. We are on amazing journeys and our kids are the world.

  2. Erin, I really enjoyed your first two postings to your blog, "Lessons from Lucy." Your humble pie story is great! BTW, I'm glad you quoted the lesson from John Wesley about fruits of the spirit. In case you don't know, John Wesely had something of an anger problem himself, so that's why he has such wisdom about anger - he learned self-control in the trenches, like all the rest of us. One particular episode in his life regarding self-control was when he refused to serve communion to his "girl friend" because she had refused to marry him. He used his position as a minister to get back at her. John Wesley is one of my all-time favorite heros, and part of the reason is because of how human he was. He learned by his mistakes and shared the wisdom he gained with all the rest of us.

    One last word is about King David, another of my all-time favorite heros. David did a terrible thing when he had the affair with Bathsheba, and then he tried to cover up his sin by having Joab put Uriah in the forefront of the battle against the Philistines, resulting in his death. The second sin was even greater than the first. When the corageous prophet Nathan confronted David with his sins, David could have had Nathan put to death - but David repented in one of the most moving stores in the Bible. It was in his hour of repentance that David became a "man after God's own heart."

    Thank you again, Erin, for letting us peak into your humnaness. It helps us all to deal with our own human flaws and shortcomings. We appreicate all your doing as our children's minister. The kids all adore you.

    Ernest Heard
